Uncover the forces to catalyze growth + transform your UX
Get ready for what’s next with a bespoke UX audit roadmap designed to move you forward.

01. Discovery

We review everything you can share with us about your audience, niche + category.

You’ll fill out a questionnaire about your brand + users so we can dig into what matters most.


02. Audit

We analyze your current digital experience against best practices to determine the gaps to solve for.

After reviewing your UX landscape, we distill the key opportunities + focus areas to move it forward.


03. Explore

Based on analytics + our findings, we begin identifying hypotheses + root causes of user behavior.

We craft design solutions to cover the key issues that matter most (+ make the biggest impact) to users.


04. Insights

We build a library of your audit artifacts to help empower your future strategy and UX planning.

We’ll review your future UX roadmap in the form of highly detailed, actionable audit recommendations.


A sampling of real solves we've crafted for our client's UX Audit.

To honor client privacy + our NDAs, schematics are shown.

01. The Churn Mystery
Users aren’t filling out the lead capture form. Why not?
According to scrolling behavior + heat mapping data, only 14% of users reach the block containing the lead capture form, while others are churning before they see the primary CTA button.
Lost interest (due to long scroll) has users bouncing before they see the form. Plus, low contrast CTAs are leading to UI blindness (users skimming the page literally aren't seeing them) + form CTAs are at the bottom of the page, forcing a long scroll to find a click opportunity.
  • Make navigation sticky + add a primary CTA button to better engage users who won’t dig into page content + just want to fill out the form
  • Boost visual contrast (color/size) of CTA for more prominence
  • Disperse CTAs to give users a chance to click at multiple depths
02. Elusive Search + Product Discovery
Customers can’t seem find the product they need.
22% of users try to find products via search, but only 5% access PDPs from search results page (but of those who do, 4% purchase).
Search isn’t being leveraged to the fullest; users can’t navigate quickly via search results + the lack of suggestive search means lift from the get-go.
  • Add suggestive search to give users a navigational shortcut to PDP matches to their search
  • Categorize search results visually to separate PDPs from other site pages or blog posts + help users pinpoint what they’re looking for faster
  • Add advanced search options to help users better filter through the vast product depth (product categories, attributes, etc.)
03. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Users are abandoning carts before making a purchase decision + entering the checkout flow to buy.
18% of users are abandoning carts + switching to “Delivery & Payment”, “About” + “Warranty” pages...after which, a whopping 83% never come back to complete their purchase.
Users aren’t finding the right information at their “decision point” on the PDP, so they’re seeking out that info before entering the checkout flow...but then stop, likely because the info they're seeking isn't easy to find or doesn't exist.
  • Add key product info about delivery, shipping, payment, + other key benefit/USPs to the Product Information block of the PDP and “quick info” icon blocks to the Cart itself.
  • Place "quick info" icon blocks to the Cart itself so users can quickly see critical delivery + shipping details in close proximity to the Check Out CTA button

Let's build momentum together.

We're ready to empower your brand with a future UX roadmap whenever you are.